Alternative tours

Alternative Tours

In order to give an insight in the local life, Ibdaa started organizing tours for visitors and tourists. There is a diverse range of tours that interested people can book.

·         Tour of Ibdaa

A tour to give more information about the history of Ibdaa and an impression of the activities and facilities that Ibdaa offers to the Dheisheh refugees and the community.

·         Tour in the Camp

By this tour, the visitors get an insight in the daily lives of the refugees and learn more about the history of Palestinian Refugees.

·         Tours in Bethlehem area

The Ibdaa tour guides also give tours through the Bethlehem Area to show both historical and religious highlights.

·         Tours in the West Bank

Next to the other three tours, visitors can also book a tour in the West Bank. The tour guide can adapt the tour to the wishes of the visitors. This tour can contain visits the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized, the city of Jericho (the oldest city in the world), Ramallah and Hebron.

Personal Information

First Name :

Last Name :

Nationality :


Month :
Day :
Year :


Country : City : Current residence :


Phone : Mobile : Email :


Number of guests :
